DREAM (for Dimitri Roussel Ensemble Architecture Métropole)

DREAM is an architectural firm that was founded in 2018 by Dimitri Roussel. He is surrounded by around thirty collaborators with an international profile, with whom he shares a deeply humanistic creative vision. Their complementarity makes it possible to cover a wide field of skills, from urbanism to construction details.


DREAM places human spirit at the heart of its projects.

Creating spaces adapted to current ways of living and working, promoting well-being and meeting people, are major research challenges for the agency. DREAM develops projects of various types and scales — housing, offices, sports facilities, ephemeral architecture — and has strong expertise in programmatic diversity (Joia Meridia in Nice, Be Tween in Lyon Part-Dieu, Place Mazas in Paris, ESAT of Villejuif).


DREAM places sharing at the heart of its projects.

We imagine formal concepts that are dedicated to living together and benefit the many (Arbre Blanc, École Polytechnique). Our firm seeks to answer individual local social issues through adapted solutions, from establishing sporting facilities that foster sharing, diversity, and dialog (Joia Meridia, Porte Pouchet), to imagining transitional urban planning projects in order to find scalable, long-lasting solutions in evolving urban contexts (Place Mazas).


DREAM places ecology at the heart of its projects.

Erasing borders between outside and inside spaces to celebrate our connection with nature (Arboretum, Anis). Developping a bioclimatic architecture, using responsible construction methods and favor collaboration with local partners who share the same values. The agency poses the question of ecology in the design of its projects. From a Mediterranean bioclimatic architecture (White Tree) to a low carbon architecture based on the use of biobased materials (Village of Athletes, Paris 2024 Games), the agency's creation process is a perpetual quest for answers to this question.


DREAM, specialist in timber construction

Through its expertise and its values, DREAM is today one of the specialist timber construction agencies in France. In 2018, it designed the tallest timber frame office building built in France to date, and which was also one of the first to be labeled a low-carbon building in Bordeaux (Perspective). It will soon deliver the largest wooden structure campus in Europe with a surface area of ​​125,000 m² (Arboretum) in Nanterre, and is participating in the construction of the future Village of Athletes for the Paris 2024 Games, an ecological flagship of the metropolis of Greater Paris.





2022 | Timber Construction

 Vélizy, winner, "Ile-de-France" category.


2022 | EU Mies Award

 ANIS, selected for the Europeen Award Mies Van Der Rohe.


2021-2022 | Europe 40 under 40

Europe's most promising personalities in the field of architecture and design.


2021 | CTBUH Best Tall Building Europe

White tree (l'Arbre blanc), winner.


2020 | ArchDaily Building of the Year Award
White tree (l'Arbre blanc), winner, housing category.


2019 | Equerre d'argent 

White tree (l'Arbre blanc), nominated in the habitat category.


2023 | Let's move in the city ! Sport and architecture for tomorrow
Co-curator of the exhibition, Site Le Corbusier, Firminy, France.
April 5th 2023 - January 14th  2024

2022 | Festival des cabanes, Villa Medici in Rome
Pavilion Let's play!

2022 | BAP! Biennale of architecture and landscape, Versailles
District 2024, au-delà du Village des athlètes, curator: Dominique Perrault

2018 | Biennale of architecture of Bordeaux 
Sharewood Pavilion

2017 | Biennale of architecture of Lyon
Flowers Pavilion

DREAM is an architectural firm that was founded in 2018 by Dimitri Roussel. He is surrounded by around thirty collaborators with an international profile, with whom he shares a deeply humanistic creative vision. Their complementarity makes it possible to cover a wide field of skills, from urbanism to construction details.


DREAM places human spirit at the heart of its projects.

Creating spaces adapted to current ways of living and working, promoting well-being and meeting people, are major research challenges for the agency. DREAM develops projects of various types and scales — housing, offices, sports facilities, ephemeral architecture — and has strong expertise in programmatic diversity (Joia Meridia in Nice, Be Tween in Lyon Part-Dieu, Place Mazas in Paris, ESAT of Villejuif).


DREAM places sharing at the heart of its projects.

We imagine formal concepts that are dedicated to living together and benefit the many (Arbre Blanc, École Polytechnique). Our firm seeks to answer individual local social issues through adapted solutions, from establishing sporting facilities that foster sharing, diversity, and dialog (Joia Meridia, Porte Pouchet), to imagining transitional urban planning projects in order to find scalable, long-lasting solutions in evolving urban contexts (Place Mazas).


DREAM places ecology at the heart of its projects.

Erasing borders between outside and inside spaces to celebrate our connection with nature (Arboretum, Anis). Developping a bioclimatic architecture, using responsible construction methods and favor collaboration with local partners who share the same values. The agency poses the question of ecology in the design of its projects. From a Mediterranean bioclimatic architecture (White Tree) to a low carbon architecture based on the use of biobased materials (Village of Athletes, Paris 2024 Games), the agency's creation process is a perpetual quest for answers to this question.


DREAM, specialist in timber construction

Through its expertise and its values, DREAM is today one of the specialist timber construction agencies in France. In 2018, it designed the tallest timber frame office building built in France to date, and which was also one of the first to be labeled a low-carbon building in Bordeaux (Perspective). It will soon deliver the largest wooden structure campus in Europe with a surface area of ​​125,000 m² (Arboretum) in Nanterre, and is participating in the construction of the future Village of Athletes for the Paris 2024 Games, an ecological flagship of the metropolis of Greater Paris.





2022 | Timber Construction

 Vélizy, winner, "Ile-de-France" category.


2022 | EU Mies Award

 ANIS, selected for the Europeen Award Mies Van Der Rohe.


2021-2022 | Europe 40 under 40

Europe's most promising personalities in the field of architecture and design.


2021 | CTBUH Best Tall Building Europe

White tree (l'Arbre blanc), winner.


2020 | ArchDaily Building of the Year Award
White tree (l'Arbre blanc), winner, housing category.


2019 | Equerre d'argent 

White tree (l'Arbre blanc), nominated in the habitat category.


2023 | Let's move in the city ! Sport and architecture for tomorrow
Co-curator of the exhibition, Site Le Corbusier, Firminy, France.
April 5th 2023 - January 14th  2024

2022 | Festival des cabanes, Villa Medici in Rome
Pavilion Let's play!

2022 | BAP! Biennale of architecture and landscape, Versailles
District 2024, au-delà du Village des athlètes, curator: Dominique Perrault

2018 | Biennale of architecture of Bordeaux 
Sharewood Pavilion

2017 | Biennale of architecture of Lyon
Flowers Pavilion

DREAM est une agence d’architecture fondée en 2018 par Dimitri Roussel. Il est entouré d'une trentaine de collaborateurs, au profil international, avec lesquels il partage une vision créative nourrie d’humanisme. Leur complémentarité permet de couvrir un large champ de compétences, de l’urbanisme aux détails de construction.


DREAM met au cœur de ses projets l’humain.

Créer des espaces adaptés aux modes de vie et de travail actuels, favorisant le bien être et la rencontre, sont des enjeux majeurs de recherche de l’agence. DREAM développe des projets de typologie et d’échelle variées — logements, bureaux, équipements sportifs, architecture éphémère — et possède une forte expertise en mixité programmatique (Joia Meridia in Nice, Be Tween à Lyon Part-Dieu, Place Mazas à Paris, ESAT de Villejuif). 


DREAM met au cœur de ses projets le commun.

Imaginer des concepts formels au service du vivre ensemble et au bénéfice du plus grand nombre (Arbre blanc, Ecole Polytechnique). L'agence tente de répondre à chaque problématique sociale locale par des réponses adaptées, allant de l’implantation d’infrastructures sportives pour favoriser l’échange, la mixité et le dialogue (Joia Meridia, Porte Pouchet), à la conception de projets d’urbanisme transitoire, pour trouver des solutions évolutives et pérennes dans un contexte urbain en constant changement (Place Mazas).


DREAM met au cœur de ses projets l’écologie.

Chaque projet développé par DREAM porte de fortes ambitions environnementales, privilégiant une conception bioclimatique et bas carbone associée à des performances énergétiques passives. Une démarche que l’agence partage avec chacun de ses partenaires.


DREAM, spécialiste de la construction bois

Par son expertise et ses valeurs, DREAM est aujourd’hui l'une des agences spécialistes de la construction bois en France. Elle a conçu en 2018 le plus haut bâtiment de bureaux en ossature bois construit jusqu’alors sur le territoire français, et qui fut également l’un des premiers à être labellisé bâtiment bas carbone à Bordeaux (Immeuble Perspective). Elle va bientôt livrer à Nanterre le chantier du plus grand campus en structure bois d’Europe d’une surface de 125 000 m² (Arboretum), et participe à la construction du futur village des athlètes des Jeux de Paris 2024, fleuron écologique de la métropole du Grand Paris.





2022 | Prix Régional Construction bois
Vélizy, lauréat, catégorie "Ile-de-France". 


2022 | EU Mies Award
ANIS, sélectioné pour le Prix européen Mies Van Der Rohe. 


2021-2022 | Europe 40 under 40
Dimitri Roussel lauréat du Prix européen récompensant 40 personnalités les plus prometteuses dans le champ de l'architecture et du design.


2021 | CTBUH Best Tall Building Europe
L'Arbre blanc, lauréat.


2020 | ArchDaily Building of the Year Award
L'Arbre blanc, lauréat, catégorie logements.


2019 | Equerre d'argent 
L'Arbre blanc, nommé dans la catégorie Habitat.




2023 | Ça bouge en ville ! Sport et architecture pour demain
Co-commissariat de l'exposition, Site Le Corbusier, Firminy.
5 avril 2023 - 14 janvier 2024

2022 | Festival des cabanes, Villa Médicis, Rome
Pavillon ça joue !

2022 | BAP! Biennale d’architecture et de paysage, Versailles
District 2024, au-delà du Village des athlètes, commissaire : Dominique Perrault

2018 | Biennale d'architecture de Bordeaux
Pavillon Sharewood

2017 | Biennale d'architecture de Lyon
Pavillon des fleurs

Dimitri Roussel

Fondateur et gérant

Enrico Badialetti


Irène Bardyn

Chargée de développement

Daniele Bobbio


Martina Bonardo

Architecte Cheffe de projet

Marie-Aglaé Boukouvalas

Architecte Cheffe de projet

Stella Buisan

Architecte Cheffe de projet

Marine Cangione

Architecte Cheffe de l'agence de Nice

Marta Chicón Pérez


Sergio Crespo Aller


Margot Dagan


Théo Diverres


Auriane Duret


Emmanuelle Echassoux

Responsable développement

Elena Garcia Gomez


Marwa Ichibane


Camille Jacoupy

Office manager

Marie Jasseron

Responsable administrative et financière

Elina Lanchantin


Leticia Martinez Velasco

Architecte Cheffe de projet

Audrey Noël

Architecte Cheffe de projet

Emilia Oworuszko


Claire Parrotin


Aurélia Petit


Ambre Pomer


Gaël Ranc


Elena Rodriguez Pavon


Giovanni Salvador

Directeur technique Ingénieur bois

Daniel Tardio Rubio


Marina Valero Martinez

Architecte Cheffe de projet